Saturday, June 16, 2007

Fine Print

I used to read a column by James J. Kilpatrick called "The Writer's Art". Kilpatrick wrote about the use - and misuse - of the English language. He also released a book called Fine Print: Reflections on the Writing Art. I probably am a nerd, but I enjoyed the columns and the book. I guess that's because I like to write and I try to find ways to make my writing better. As a side benefit, mistakes that people make when they are writing can be humorous.

And, so, to the point of this post. I was driving along the main drag in Prattville the other day and saw a sign that read:

The Most Abused Drug By Teens

This message is a fine example of civic-mindedness. Someone wanted to remind folks that teenagers often have access to alcohol. And then it hit me. The message implies that teens actually make the alcohol!

Okay. The way we read and interpret words and sentences these days, I know that people will understand that the prepositional phrase "by teens" modifies the adjective "abused". But I picture teenagers hanging around a still like Uncle Jesse and "them Duke boys."

A better wording for the sign would be:

The Drug Most Abused by Teens

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