Tuesday, June 19, 2007

Some Remains are Less Equal than Others

The AP reports that the city of Vance is going to move the remains of the dead buried in a Civil War cemetary.  The relocation is precipitated by the city's plans to build a municipal park.
As if moving the bodies to build a park wasn't disrespectful enough, the mayor of Vance, Keith Mahaffey, told the AP that officials are "going to find nothing in the way of real remains ". 
Mahaffey made the comment after acknowledging that the cemetary contains the remains of an unknown Confederate soldier. The local chapter of the Sons of the Confederacy installed a gravestone for the unknown soldier last year.
I guess we should honor every soldier who has fallen in the defense of his fellow men and women - unless someone has a great idea for a walking trail, swings or picnic tables.

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