Friday, July 20, 2007

Is It Uncommon for Business to Screw Government?

Okay. I know the argument is that privatization is good. A business supposedly can deliver a service or product much more efficiently and effectively than a governmental agency.
Does it count against that theory when a business screws up delivering the one governmental program that everyone allegedly hates?
Alatax/RDS, a collection service for county and city taxes, screwed the Elmore County Board of Education out of $1.2 million dollars. Instead of delivering the tax receipts to the Board, Alatax gave the money to the City of Prattville and the Elmore County Commission.
Now Prattville and Elmore County are trying to work out a way to get the money back to the Elmore County Board of Education.
And what will happen to Alatax?  From the article in the Prattville Progress:

Asked if Alatax would be cen­sured or its services terminated for the error, Medders said she was not sure what would hap­pen.

"The law reads that the tax is to be collected by Elmore Coun­ty, so I don't know if we'll take over that duty when the con­tract is up with Alatax or not," she said.

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