Sunday, July 8, 2007

Truth and Justice

Regardless of what's reported in The Birmingham News today, if Don Siegelman is guilty (which a jury said he is), then I don't care what, if any, role Karl Rove had in prodding the Justice Department to investigate Siegelman.

Is it a violation of any constitutional right to use some kind of political calculus to allocate resources to investigate alleged criminal activity?
Everything government does is based on a set of policy priorities. Priorities must be set in one way or another since our government does not have unlimited funds to pursue every alleged violation of law.
In our system of government, priorities are established through political decisions - regardless of whom the Justice Department or the state Attorney General or the District Attorney decides to pursue: drug runners, illegal aliens, corrupt business leaders, corrupt public officials.
All I can tell from these protestations is that Democrats want Siegelman to walk if it is shown that Karl Rove had a hand in the decision to investigate him. If that's so, I guess even Democrats would rather have law enforcement pursuing blacks and hispanics, illegal aliens and drug runners, instead of wealthy white people - especially white, wealthy politicians.
(See also: Nancy Worley.)

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