Wednesday, July 25, 2007

DOC Hosts Nasty Bathroom

The Huntsville Times reports that a woman was denied a clean environment to breast feed her baby at the Limestone Correctional Facility. The woman complained because the restroom she was directed to use was "nasty". 
During her most recent visit, July 14, when the guard told her to go into the restroom, [mother Latosha] McKenzie said she asked the guard if he would eat his lunch in the bathroom.

She said the guard told her that he would not eat in there, but that it was her only choice.

"The guard said, 'You wouldn't go into Hardee's or McDonald's to nurse your child, would you?' And I told him, 'Yes, I'll go anywhere and nurse my child,' " McKenzie said. "I was really humiliated and devastated."

Prison officials indicated that breast feeding outside of a restroom may be a public safety issue, although they had allegedly provided the woman involved an empty room on previous visits.
I'm wondering why the prison bathroom was "nasty" in the first place. And why, if it was "nasty", prison officials were being hardheaded about the mother's request.  If nothing else, why didn't they just clean the restroom?
Maybe when the Department of Corrections sells off some of its unneeded land, they can use the proceeds to buy some Pine Sol... and a conscience.


Anonymous said...

RogueWriter: I agree, "Maybe when the Department of Corrections sells off some of its unneeded land, they can use the proceeds to buy some Pine Sol... and a conscience." And maybe, add bleach to the list also.

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Loretta Nall said...

It has been my experience that DOC workers treat family members like inmates. Their mentality is that since you have a loved one in prison then you must be a bad person too, therefore they get to treat you like shit....with impunity.

I retaliated after what happened to my mother and me and had women from all over the country send panties to the prison. I hope this woman finds a way to do something similar.

RogueWriter said...

Loretta, I read stories about the panties incident a while back. I'm proud that you stood up to them on that issue.

There's no excuse for prison or jail staff to treat an inmates family in any way other than with respect and dignity.

I wish we could hear more stories about correctional staff abusing the families so we can shine more light on the problem.