Monday, July 16, 2007

Working Worley's Legacy

During her re-election campaign, Nancy Worley identified herself as "Working Worley" and claimed she worked until all hours of the night doing the public's business.  It now looks like one of her attorneys was taking lessons.  The Mobile Press-Register reports today that Trey Granger, a one-time legal counsel to Worley , was paid for working 32 hours in one day. Documents also show he supposedly worked 24 hours on another day and 22 hours each on nine other days.
Ken Wallis, the Governor's legal adviser, says the Governor's office is responsible for the "errors" on the invoice.  They just wanted to get Granger paid for hours he worked.
Read the article. I'm still not sure why there is not a straight forward accounting of the hours worked or why the Governor's office went through the gyrations to create invoices that would make it look like Granger worked 91% of some days and even 133% of another day.

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